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Does Running Mean a Younger Brain?

Running might be something you enjoy, but if you are like many of us, getting your butt in gear and getting out there and moving that bootie can often be a bit of a challenge. Well, now you have even more reason to get out there and run. It seems in addition to the other many benefits of running, it can help you to have a younger brain.

Did you know that good cardiovascular health when you are 25 has been linked to sharper mental performance in middle age? This is according to new research reported in the journal Neurology.

The international study team requested over 2,700 young adults to participate in taking a series of treadmill fitness tests. Then roughly 20 years later the same group of individuals was asked to once again take the cardio tests in addition to playing brain games that were designed to be able to measure one’s short-term memory and problem-solving, reasoning and other "executive function” skills.

The results this study found were that the more active you are in your early 20s, the better your brain performs when you reach your 40s and 50s. This was found to be especially true for those individuals who remained physically active between early to middle age.

A strong vascular function is a major measure of fitness this is the way your blood flows and how your blood vessels remain oxygenated. According to the study’s coauthor David R. Jacobs, Jr., Ph.D., of the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, the majority of brain problems or mental drop-offs are associated with vascular issues.

The research indicates that when you take the time to stay physically fit, you give your brain the blood and oxygen that it requires in order to stay sharp. It is also possible that physically active guys are much less likely to be overweight, or to smoke which are additional factors that can improve one’s vascular function and the health of the brain.

You can easily figure out what the experts are recommending - stay in shape! Of course, this advice has long been standing advice, with or without this study. The “use it or lose it” motto is applicable to young men as it is to older adults. But one thing is for certain – as we age, it becomes harder for us to recover from.

The study doesn’t offer any specific guidelines for working out but  Jacobs say based on the study, all vigorous activity like running, swimming or circuit training—when it is performed on a regular basis will help you preserve good cardio fitness, and this means it will also benefit your brain.

In addition to running to keep your brain younger you should consider taking an HGH supplement, which has many benefits related to anti aging and that includes keeping the brain young and fresh. For more on the benefits of human growth hormone visit this link!

HGH AKA Somatropin is naturally produced by the body and as we get older the production of HGH decreases and that affects our organs, metabolism, and brain. By taking an HGH supplement such as Somatropinne, Sytropin, Provacyl and Genf20 you can help your body produce more HGH. By raising your human growth hormone levels you can help rejuvenate your brain and as a result improve its cognitive functions.









"Taking HGH Can be risky as I found out, thanks hgh.us.com for showing the good and the bad of HGH therapy."
Mark D Newark

"I was already taking an HGH releaser when I read an article at hgh.us.com about how HGH releasers can't help someone without a properly functioning pituitary gland. For me taking an HGH releaser was a waste. Thanks for the valuable info!"
John R San Jose

"HGH.us.com is a must read for anyone considering HGH therapy"
Linda S Tampa


In November 2003, Hanneke Hops was profiled in The Chronicle. This 56-year-old woman claimed that her daily injections of HGH had her feeling happier, stronger, and healthier.

The appealing benefits of human growth hormone (HGH) are no longer a secret. Many people have been so drawn by them that different companies have flooded the market with various products that supposedly help to boost the HGH levels in the body. These products range from HGH injections to releasers, activators and sprays.

It has been observed that most people suffering from back pain have low levels of human growth hormone. HGH deficiency can lead to chronic degeneration of connective tissues resulting in back problems.

The testicles are the main place where the hormone testosterone is made. Testosterone is the main hormone responsible for male reproduction, sexuality, hair growth, muscle mass, bone density and red blood cells.

HGH releasers and supplements like Hypergh 14x and Genf20 Plus are not approved by the FDA for the treatment of any disease or disorder, and cannot be sold as ‘Anti Aging’ medications (This is however the case for all supplements).

Recombinant DNA is a term used to describe DNA whose creation was brought about by the combination of two or more strands. DNA holds all information needed for the re-creation of an organism.

The beauty industry is a multi billion dollar one not because people want to look beautiful per se but because they want to look young.

The New Year is creeping up quite quickly and you know, with every new year is a new year resolution waiting to spring into action.

Honey is a sweet food which only an insignificant number of people will be able to turn down.

Many processes in the body are usually impacted by decline in human growth hormone (HGH) levels usually occurs as people grow older. Among those are processes in the brain and any negative modifications affecting these will manifest adversely on your mental health.

If you follow professional bodybuilding at all, you may have noticed that many bodybuilders look pregnant. They have distended guts otherwise called big stomachs.

Vitamin A is one of many reasons why you need to maintain a healthy diet. It is one of numerous nutrients that help to keep you in good health. How does it exactly help? What are the signs of deficiency? Where can you get more of it? You will find answers to these questions and more in this article.

The secret to looking younger than one's age lies in making the right decision. You will, no doubt, have read or heard different ideas on how to slow aging and keep your body young. It is very likely you have heard about the importance of diet and lifestyle choices, among others. But then, many people still prefer loading up on a variety of beauty products that promise awesome results but sometimes only disappoint. There's often nothing better than keeping things simple. Here's are some easy, practical things you can do to look years younger without having plastic surgery or turning your face to a testing ground for chemicals in the guise of skincare products.

From what has been said so far, you could say that the importance of growth hormone for sleep quality improvement is already obvious.

The eyes may rightly be described as the light of the body. Without them, a person will be in darkness all the time. But as undesirable as it may be, vision loss does happen all the same, particularly as people get older. It is therefore not surprising to see many older people with glasses. However, it has been suggested that having sufficient human growth hormone (HGH) in the body can help to improve vision.

No one wants to look old! As you age one of the most noticeable signs is that skin loses its elasticity and thins, which causes skin tags, age spots, and wrinkles.


The info provided at hgh.us.com is not intended as a recommendation for any action plan or treatment by any specific product. This site doesn’t promote any kind of medical treatments or advice and doesn’t advocate or offer any professional medical services. We may discuss different manufacturers’ statements relating to their legal natural herbal supplements, but it is important to recognize that these products are not approved by the FDA.