Anti Aging Supplements
HGH Resources
When an HGH deficiency or GHD is left untreated it can cause numerous problems such as poor memory, inability to effectively exercise, or decreased vitality.
The study of aging is called gerontology and the science behind aging is a newer science that in just 30 years has made huge progress.
HGH has been tagged under many names; it has been called many things.
Atherosclerosis – who gets it? It is easier to look at who doesn’t get it. Atherosclerosis actually starts much earlier than when the symptoms occur.
According to a recent report in the Chicago Tribune the number of US teens that are using synthetic HGH has more than doubled from 2012 to 2013.
Since the first use of human growth hormone (HGH) by bodybuilders, it’s remained an anabolic with plenty of conflicting ideas and opinions associated with it.
A question you hear thrown around often is whether weight loss is possible when you are HGH deficient.
There has been some talk about the possibility that some NBA players were using HGH.
Gynecomastia AKA Gyno, man breasts, moobs, bitch tits, man tits and man hooters is a condition we don’t hear a lot about and yet any man who either takes or considers taking steroids and/or synthetic HGH injections should know what gynecomastia is and the increased risk the use of steroids or HGH presents.
The children's author Dr. Seuss once wrote, “A person's a person, no matter how small.” But since society tends to admire taller people more than short, no matter what age we are, both adults and children look for ways to improve their height.
Thursday afternoon, Donovan McNabb, who is a quarterback with the Minnesota Vikings bounded onto the field with his teammates in Mankato, Minn.
It is interesting then that some researchers now think Metformin, which has been available for use for several decades, could be what people have been searching for all these years. It is touted as being capable of extending lifespan up to 120 years. How true or realistic is this thinking?
Serostim® is an HGH injection that is made up from recombinant DNA Somatropin that unlike other brands like Saizen, Norditropin and Genotropin is only approved by the FDA to treat AIDS related wasting.
Millions of people are estimated to be affected by carpal tunnel syndrome in the United States.
Most times, people tend to think about men when talking about those who use human growth hormone.
Amino acids are important to our bodies – they are the building blocks of protein.
Just over one year ago today Major League Baseball the Biogenesis scandal occurred that lead to over a dozen suspensions, which in turn placed the focus on embattled slugger Alex Rodriguez.
Friday September 12, 2014 the NFL put forth changes to their drug policy and HGH testing, and just hours after doing so the NFL players’ Union voted on it.
If you haven’t heard of the amino acid L-Valine, it’s important that you become familiar with it, because L-Valine is one of the essential amino acids that your body requires for a number of functions like soothing the nervous system or improving cognitive function.
While we may be more aware of HGH as being a problem found in children, especially when associated with a number of conditions. The fact is HGH deficiency can and does occur in adults.
Omnitrope® (Somatropin) is a brand of synthetic HGH injections that is regulated by the FDA and that requires a prescription from a doctor to be obtained
Norditropin HGH injections are manufactured by Novo Nordisk Inc and are administered with either the FlexPro 5 mg/1.5 mL, 10 mg/1.5 mL or 15 mg/1.5 mL, or the Norditropin NordiFlex pen.
Zorbtive is used for the treatment of Short Bowel Syndrome in those patients who are receiving specific nutritional support.
HGH testing has been around for some time, but earlier methods were not reliable and created a great deal of controversy, especially among professional athletes.
Tev-Tropin® is a growth hormone manufactured by TEVA Pharmaceuticals. Tev-Tropin injections are synthetic HGH (human growth hormone).
Wherever there are athletes and sports, there are going to be injuries, it really is inevitable.
On the market are numerous HGH supplements manufactured by a number of different companies.
You workout out! That’s great – good for you! But have you ever considered the idea that you might have an imbalance in strength?
Genotropin HGH injections are manufactured by Pfizer and are administered with the Genotropin pen, which is a device used to mix the Genotropin Lyophilized Powder and then inject it.
Saizen HGH injections are manufactured by Merck Serono and are administered with the Saizen reconstitution device.
According to Sytropin manufacturers, they produce a revolutionary supplement that is supposed to increase lean muscle mass, decrease body fat and decrease your weight.
Genf20 Plus is safer than HGH injections because it is made from natural ingredients, and because it does not risk suppressing HGH production since it stimulate it.
Perhaps you have envied people who eat as they like, and can still remain fit, or at least slim.
In this article, we’re going to talk about the differences between HGH and steroid. You’ll find out if HGH is a steroid and which one you should choose.
The laws surrounding Human Growth Hormone can be quite confusing.
It happened – one day your erection went from being straight to having a 90 degree bend.
HGH is naturally produced in your body by your pituitary gland.
Short bowel syndrome (SBS) is a digestive disorder that deprives the sufferer of nutrients available in food consumed and essential for healthy living.
Should HGH Be Allowed In Sports or Should It be Illegal
There has been some talk about the possibility that some NBA players were using HGH. The NFL, baseball and even golf has seen players opt to use HGH. For some time it wasn’t completely banned but in recent times it has been banned in sports. HGH AKA human growth hormone and Somatropin is illegal in sports, but should it be? That really depends on who you talk to.

Some coaches are for it being illegal while others are not. Some team owners, like Mark Cuban the owner of the Dallas Mavericks, thinks HGH should be allowed and regulated, while other owners believe it should be illegal. Many researchers believe it is not properly understood and that there is no need to make HGH use in sports illegal.
HGH use via prescription injections is only allowed for a small number of medical situations such as growth issues with children and muscle wasting from AIDS or HIV. Of course, that hasn’t stopped HGH from being used in professional sports and at an international level.
None of the studies or research conducted to date has indicated that when an athlete uses HGH their performance improves. A Los Angeles spine surgeon by the name of Dr. Rick Delamarter appeared on ESPN for an interview in 2006. He has personally enjoyed great benefits treating athletes using HGH.
Dr. Delamarter states, “I have seen the benefits of growth hormone post-operatively in recovering from surgery. . .And recovery periods are sometimes cut in half.”
If HGH has the ability to reduce recovery by as much as 50%, many players would be playing rather than sitting on the sidelines. Over the last two NBA seasons, high caliber players like Kobe Bryant, Derrick Rose, Rajon Rondo, Marc Gasol, Kevin Love and Brook Lopez have all missed significant time due to major injuries. Team owners have invested a lot into these players and they would like to see their investment blossom, plus fans want to see these players playing. Cuban believes HGH could help make this happen and if it was properly tested and also regulated it could be a positive experience.
Abdul-Karim Al-Jabbar (formerly known as Sharmon Shah and Karim Abdul-Jabbar), former National Football League (NFL) running back, was quoted as having said the following in a Sep. 7, 2006 ESPN The Magazine article titled "HGH: Performance Enhancer or Healer":
"Growth hormone is used more to recover from injury... I
haven't heard of growth hormone giving you strength... The bottom
line is we get beat the hell up. We need whatever's available
to keep ourselves out there... I think anything that's helpful
should be legal, because when you're done, they fold you up and say
Sep. 7, 2006 -
Abdul-Karim Al-Jabbar
How Could HGH Become Legal?
It would certainly be an undertaking to make HGH legal in the NBA and other sports it would require a number of steps to occur.
- While there has been some preliminary testing that is credible and shows HGH does not enhance performance, but does improve recovery time, there would need to be more studies. There would need to be three phase clinical trials.
- There would need to be laboratory and animal testing.
- All of this information would go to the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) in a New Drug Application (NDA).
- If the drug showed the benefits outweighed any risk then it could be passed for use.
That would be just to get the FDA approval and then there is still the idea that the sports industries would have to come together to decide if HGH should be a legal or illegal substance.
The Dallas owner discusses the situation on USA Today Sports along with a possible solution.
“I believe that professional sports leagues should work together and fund studies to determine the efficacy of HGH for rehabbing an injury.” Cuban also discusses a huge issue around allowing HGH, which is the negative reputation regarding HGH in sports. “The product has such a huge [public] stigma that no one wants to be associated with it.”
Cuban brings up some great points. It is important that there are more studies conducted to see if HGH can benefit athletes in recovering from injuries.
Cuban has valid points to fund increasing studies to see if HGH can be beneficial for athletic recovery. If HGH is proven to help athletic recovery time, it will not only help professional athletes, but recreational athletes with significant injuries as well.
While Michael Giltz, freelance pop culture and politics writer, says HGH is just a con, Shannon Owens believes it works and has a place in sports.
In Feb. 18, 2008, Giltz wrote the following article titled "Andy Pettitte Fails to Take Responsibility," published by The Huffington Post:
"Using HGH to recover from an injury gives you an edge over other
teams - It gives your team an edge over other teams who have
pitchers that are injured but refuse to cheat and break the law in
order to recover more quickly. Using HGH to recover from an
injury gives you an edge over your own teammates - Pitchers are
working together to win games but they're also in competition. If [a
pitcher] is injured, that gives another pitcher a chance to start a
major league game. It might even mean the chance for a minor leaguer
to come up to the majors. And that means another minor leaguer might
get a chance to jump from Double A ball to Triple A ball to fill
their slot... [HGH is] AGAINST FEDERAL LAW. Baseball has a
morals clause - anything that brings disgrace to the game of
baseball is against the rules. Cheating is cheating... Using HGH is
cheating. Period."
Feb. 18, 2008 -
Michael Giltz
On June 9, 2008, Shannon J. Owens, sports columnist for the Orlando Sentinel, wrote the following in an article titled "An Alternative View on HGH and Sports Athletes," posted on the website
"Rather than tying up our federal government in lengthy investigations and spending tax dollars to support poorly administered [HGH] tests, let's just eliminate the chase.
Give athletes of legal adult age the choice to juice or inject as
they so please. Require those athletes to go public and make them
wear an asterisk next to their Nike, Reebok or Adidas running gear.
Then, etch the asterisk into their gold medals. Heck, make those
athletes run in 'juiced' competitions...
Don't punish athletes for allowing themselves to be sacrificial
lambs in their tortured pursuit of happiness. Let them and their
supporters stand boldly before the world for their decisions."
HGH Legal or Illegal?
For now HGH will remain illegal in sports, and any changes to legal are a long way from fruition. There’s a great deal that must happen before HGH will allowed back onto the sports fields, even for injury recovery.
"Taking HGH Can be risky as I found out, thanks for showing the good and the bad of HGH therapy."
Mark D Newark
"I was already taking an HGH releaser when I read an article at about how HGH releasers can't help someone without a properly
functioning pituitary gland. For me taking an HGH releaser was a waste. Thanks
for the valuable info!"
John R
San Jose
" is
a must read for anyone considering HGH therapy"
Linda S Tampa
In November 2003, Hanneke Hops was profiled in The Chronicle. This 56-year-old woman claimed that her daily injections of HGH had her feeling happier, stronger, and healthier.
The appealing benefits of human growth hormone (HGH) are no longer a secret. Many people have been so drawn by them that different companies have flooded the market with various products that supposedly help to boost the HGH levels in the body. These products range from HGH injections to releasers, activators and sprays.
It has been observed that most people suffering from back pain have low levels of human growth hormone. HGH deficiency can lead to chronic degeneration of connective tissues resulting in back problems.
The testicles are the main place where the hormone testosterone is made. Testosterone is the main hormone responsible for male reproduction, sexuality, hair growth, muscle mass, bone density and red blood cells.
HGH releasers and supplements like Hypergh 14x and Genf20 Plus are not approved by the FDA for the treatment of any disease or disorder, and cannot be sold as ‘Anti Aging’ medications (This is however the case for all supplements).
Recombinant DNA is a term used to describe DNA whose creation was brought about by the combination of two or more strands. DNA holds all information needed for the re-creation of an organism.
The beauty industry is a multi billion dollar one not because people want to look beautiful per se but because they want to look young.
The New Year is creeping up quite quickly and you know, with every new year is a new year resolution waiting to spring into action.
Honey is a sweet food which only an insignificant number of people will be able to turn down.
Many processes in the body are usually impacted by decline in human growth hormone (HGH) levels usually occurs as people grow older. Among those are processes in the brain and any negative modifications affecting these will manifest adversely on your mental health.
If you follow professional bodybuilding at all, you may have noticed that many bodybuilders look pregnant. They have distended guts otherwise called big stomachs.
Vitamin A is one of many reasons why you need to maintain a healthy diet. It is one of numerous nutrients that help to keep you in good health. How does it exactly help? What are the signs of deficiency? Where can you get more of it? You will find answers to these questions and more in this article.
The secret to looking younger than one's age lies in making the right decision. You will, no doubt, have read or heard different ideas on how to slow aging and keep your body young. It is very likely you have heard about the importance of diet and lifestyle choices, among others. But then, many people still prefer loading up on a variety of beauty products that promise awesome results but sometimes only disappoint. There's often nothing better than keeping things simple. Here's are some easy, practical things you can do to look years younger without having plastic surgery or turning your face to a testing ground for chemicals in the guise of skincare products.
From what has been said so far, you could say that the importance of growth hormone for sleep quality improvement is already obvious.
The eyes may rightly be described as the light of the body. Without them, a person will be in darkness all the time. But as undesirable as it may be, vision loss does happen all the same, particularly as people get older. It is therefore not surprising to see many older people with glasses. However, it has been suggested that having sufficient human growth hormone (HGH) in the body can help to improve vision.
No one wants to look old! As you age one of the most noticeable signs is that skin loses its elasticity and thins, which causes skin tags, age spots, and wrinkles.